lördag 26 mars 2011

Bog Green Attic Yarn and Echinopsis

First skein of Bog Green Attic Yarn! I like it!

And it's spring:

This is some sort of Echinopsis. The flower is white and has a lovely scent. It has two flower buds, can you see them?

4 kommentarer:

  1. The bog green yarn is very nice indeed, and I believe I see buds at 1:00 and 11:00, towards the outer edge, yes? I used to grow all sorts of succulents and cacti, decades ago. I love seeing yours!

  2. You're quite right about the buds! I'll show them once a week.

  3. Det är nå't att vänta på, det! Själv hittade jag trädgårdens första utslagna Vintergäck igår. Lyckan vara total. SOM jag tittat efter denna första söta.

  4. Oj, efter alla snöfall hos er! Det var roligt :)
